[Request] Battle Pirates.-migrated-Last Updated: 10/06/2017 09:29 | |
Battle PiratesTroubleLast Updated: 01/02/2015 00:57 | |
Battle Pirates (request)-migrated-Last Updated: 12/17/2010 03:15 |
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donno unless kixeye is giving facebook the accounts that are running same ip but i got rid of cavas which is giving away our ip and hack checks are all gone i tripled checked there was only 1 file that the hack checks was in but only 1 hack check slipped by me last time i had them blocked from sending last time but would still warn.
I took them out this time and blocked them from sending we have base repairs now to and fortify just instant and cancel Hellinbpv84v2a http://www.mediafire.com/?p9qv648l1vekfkr |
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Everything works just fine Hell.
If things keep up, pretty soon Ill create a hotmail account to give feedback and live support for users using your .swf file. |
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nice ty for the support you can thank slowmo for answering my questions when he was here. and there has been a few others on other sites since to step up and help a little I'm not good at editing in the features but i try to make it as safe as possible only game server data is leaving the swf now if you find anything that is sending out your IP from kixeye let me know
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I'll keep an eye out, my only issue so far is lack of comms, but that's it.
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yeah me to i haven't been able to track down how to take it out without breaking comms
but here is the features so far all hack checks and loggers gone instant fleet build and Repairs and research instant upgrades mines fortify ( instant then cancel) AFK disabled lowered xp so you don't level as fast bp-fb-vip.sjc2.kixeye.com/canvas Removed bp-fb-wm4.sjc2.kixeye.com/player_info Removed No COMMS (was a logger in them when disabled Comms broke) |
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Well as is, blocking log.php should handle it just fine right? Before hand i've never seen any other loggers go out, especially hinting towards comms, and if they do we could just block via fiddler/charles.
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i'll see what i can do (broken image removed)
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If anyone gets banned Please give me feedback!
1) What level was the account before your used my cheat? 2) Has this account ever had a cheat used before? 3) If so which one? 4 How did you Use the cheat In-Game? (example: Leveled 1- 30 in hour then attacked bases. ) Pease include your levels. 5) How old is this account? 6) how long did it take you to get banned after using this cheat? Please guys I need feed back if you get banned |
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anyone who knows Java well and is able to rewrite java plz pm me to be safe i need a java script rewrote
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Just thought I would tell you all and hope you would enjoy my most recent test. I built 2 accounts up and ran them both at same time- one was the villain of the sector while the other was the hero, both were in same sector. While one was attacking a base the other was trying to catch it, the locals thought the "good guy" was awesome and loathed the "bad guy" and called him hacker- the "good guy" of the sector had the same kinda fleets and even showed them off to everyone. This morning when I got up and checked on the accounts the "bad guy" was Banned while the "good guy" wasn't.
My conclusion after this test- people are the only reason Hellion's code gets people banned- if you are bad then they will report you, good and they reap the benefits and don't care. Sad that people have a 2-sided view of hackers. |
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Just thought I would tell you all and hope you would enjoy my most recent test. I built 2 accounts up and ran them both at same time- one was the villain of the sector while the other was the hero, both were in same sector. While one was attacking a base the other was trying to catch it, the locals thought the "good guy" was awesome and loathed the "bad guy" and called him hacker- the "good guy" of the sector had the same kinda fleets and even showed them off to everyone. This morning when I got up and checked on the accounts the "bad guy" was Banned while the "good guy" wasn Did you use two browser or two computers or what? I never thought about using two at the same time, I thought they would see the IPs. |
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I used 2 computers- laptop next to my desktop LOL. but I also use an IP hider- alot of good ones out there and I suggest people use one if they are doing this, especially if you have a main account that you don't use codes with, not really sure if they do an IP ban or are even able to but better safe than sorry.
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Well I just got one of my newest accounts banned so that sucks. (broken image removed)
Gonna not cheat on my main for a while just to be sure. |
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sorry bro i have been working on solution but i don't know java very well at all the hotfix kixeye put in effect is another url bp-fb-vip.sjc2.kixeye.com\scripts\cc-framework.v36.js It reactivates the loggers that i take out of the cheats. can't block it or swf won't load but if you leave it it reactivates canvas and the other loggers and kixeye will eventually bann each of us
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Two accounts of mine was recently banned. One with an ID in the 3Ms and another account maybe a year old. What's funny is that I was banned a week after I used the hack. O well it happens.