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Game on Kongregate | Hack Bot | |
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Game On Kongregate | thenewcomer |
Cloudstone-migrated-Last Updated: 07/02/2018 22:10 | |
CloudstoneAuto-PostLast Updated: 12/30/2013 19:00 |
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Socially Awesome Pwning |
Reach level 5 and summon a friend to help you fight |
15 | ||
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Player Puncher Pro |
Defeat 10 other players in pvp matches |
30 | ||
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Rift Warrior |
Clear floor #10 in the Arcane Rift |
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Got it, I thought it was related to the hacks.
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Game's been updated; neither of Kolonel's two recent admin aobs can be found. Tried switching out parts of the aobs for wildcards, but couldn't find them even then.
EDIT: After a bunch of wildcard searches, found the new aobs. I can follow and copy what Kolonel did to change the code in the second aob (just insert a bunch of 02's), but goodness gracious, I have no idea what he did or where he looked to change the code for the first aob. Kolonel, you might helping out again? (broken image removed) 1st aob to search for: d0 30 d0 66 a1 43 46 fa 04 00 85 d5 60 cf 52 d1 4f bb 67 01 5d ce 27 4a ce 27 00 80 ce 27 d6 d2 60 0d 66 df 5e d0 66 c5 43 27 24 00 26 4f 8d 14 05 d2 d0 66 a1 43 46 fa 04 00 d0 66 ab 43 4f e0 67 02 47 Change to: (broken image removed)(broken image removed) 2nd aob: 66 8c 58 24 53 14 19 00 00 d1 66 bb 5c 76 2a 12 05 00 00 29 60 a1 3c 76 12 06 00 00 d0 4f d0 43 00 47 Change to: 66 8c 58 24 72 14 19 00 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 d0 4f d0 43 00 47 |
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part 1 well done on that part man. here goes part two. wild cards wont really work on it as the code is completely replaced. press F3 to enable console part 2 d0 30 d0 66 ad 43 46 ae 05 00 85 d5 60 cf 52 d1 4f ce 67 01 5d d6 27 4a d6 27 00 80 d6 27 d6 d2 60 0d 66 f3 5e d0 66 d1 43 27 24 00 26 4f 95 14 05 d2 d0 66 ad 43 46 ae 05 00 d0 66 b7 43 4f f3 67 02 47 d0 30 d0 26 61 a1 3c 60 c3 05 d0 2c ce 07 4f d0 46 02 d0 5d 59 4a 59 00 68 b3 43 d0 66 b3 43 60 82 51 60 83 51 60 b4 22 60 97 04 66 d4 45 4f be 05 04 d0 4f d2 43 00 60 2b 66 b4 45 24 42 4f e6 04 01 47 I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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Still dont work for me.
Already paused at loading screen, scan the aob kolonel gave, play it, go to map and back to village, but still didnt worked out. |
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Can't find where're the limitation for the monster lot's and exp's. Anyone can solve this problem (broken image removed) Would be a great hack and save a lot of time, without the need of doing missions again and again......
btw: Kolonel you're the man! (broken image removed) |
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Alternatively, people could try to figure out the syntax to make the "buff" command in the console work.
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Great job!
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, not seeing it or else, but I don't see the console. The Kill everything/Push back hackss works perfectly, but I don't see any console. |
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Can't find where're the limitation for the monster lot's and exp's. Anyone can solve this problem (broken image removed) Would be a great hack and save a lot of time, without the need of doing missions again and again...... search keyword numKillsInLastZone and numChampionKillsInLastZone |
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Never stop looting:
you don't stop to get lot from monster after a certain number of kills: d0 2c b3 30 d1 d2 d3 62 04 4f 8a 25 06 d0 d0 66 dc 2f 24 01 a0 61 dc 2f ----> d0 2c b3 30 d1 d2 d3 62 04 4f 8a 25 06 d0 d0 66 dc 2f 24 00 a0 61 dc 2f tested only using this too: Avoid communication errors that might be caused by hacks d0 30 5d ?? ?? 5d ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 66 ?? ?? 27 47 Thanks Goodknife for the hint (broken image removed) DOESN'T WORK the caps are server sided (broken image removed) |
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part 1 Just a thing about kolonel console aob's, with this you don't need to do the trick of freezing the game at the loading screen, works like any other aob. |
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For what it's worth, I found both of those the oldfashioned way (going through each subfile one at a time) since I don't have a search function of Sothink. I know that the game has a public constant of 400 as a cap for regular monster kills, and a cap of 1 on number of champ monster kills, and once those caps are reached, it's set to spit out 0 exp, 0 shards, 0 gold.
With that said, I tried a) setting it so kill counts for monsterskilled and champmonsterskilled were decreased by one rather than increased by one every time a kill was made. Didn't work; according to the console, xp reached a point where the server wouldn't add any more xp, and then caused my xp values to be out of sync, forcing a rollback on reload of the game. b) setting it so that the kill count was increased by zero - didn't work either. b) completely nulling out the whole function of counting kills, but that didn't work either. c) setting it so that after getting max kills, the monsters gave more than 0 xp, shards, and gold. That didn't work either. Either I missing something, or there's multiple places in the code where that check is being made, and all of them will need to be changed. And because none of those hacks worked, I deleted where I found those variables, so you'll have to look again...sorry. >.< |
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A hint about a console command:
testZone Usage: testZone [zoneId] [gauntletLevel] [useTestMode (false by default)] zoneID: search for the zone you want in the "test zone" button in the left lower of homescreen gauntletLevel: higher -> harder enemies and better rewards useTestMode: set this to 1, so it's true and you can keep all what obtain from the test zones example: testZone 84 6 1 this is the lucky rooms (broken image removed) |
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For what it's worth, I found both of those the oldfashioned way (going through each subfile one at a time) since I don't have a search function of Sothink. I know that the game has a public constant of 400 as a cap for regular monster kills, and a cap of 1 on number of champ monster kills, and once those caps are reached, it's set to spit out 0 exp, 0 shards, 0 gold. Have you used aob avoid communications error that may caused by hack too? With that for me worked. |
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Yeah, I use that aob as well. |
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Yeah, I use that aob as well.What command are you using to obtain thems? I don't want reload to verify. |