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Trainer Version: Any |
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GUI improvements are easy to implement, but the design is hard. I have no idea where I would put the service annunciator. I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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I'm not good at all at drawing but i can hint where to put them, the best way is to put the icons inside the buttons that toggle the hacks on and off, the first used in the hack as main and the others on mouseover if possible. |
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I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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To be honest, I love the layout you have right now. Without doing much reading at all, I managed to navigate through the process quickly and painlessly; It's really intuitive, in my eyes. |
Level: 1
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I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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This will be perfct in my opinion, even if the multy-layer can be a bit chaotic but i don't see many game having 2 or more icons. |
Level: 1
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Kong, NG, and Armor all at once is the most I can think of off hand.
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i was like super duper kidding about just stacking them up like that. Im not doing that. I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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kolonelkadat Posted on: 01/05/2015 9:29pm i was like super duper kidding about just stacking them up like that. Im not doing that.
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Just a suggestion for noobs like me: Something that tells WHEN to apply the hack. I know someone writes it, but a checkbox or dropdown with "after load" "before load" or something third but common when submitting the hack. I've had a hack downvoted because I may have used it at a wrong time. I believe I corrected the error, but in order to prevent that from happening.
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I tend to agree with LeUsername; Some of us are pretty derp, and this program is all about making it user-friendly. |
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Nuriell has a good idea. Might try to render a picture using Kolonel's as a base. Extended cheat area with 3 icons next to the buttons. possibly have which service(s) the hacks can be used on. Ill post it later. (Busy repairing a computer for 0 cash ~.~) |