[Information] Marvel Avengers Alliance Mega Thread
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords, commands, tricks, tips, lists (Facebook version)
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/16/2014 11:51am
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The second script is ok
Thank you!

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/16/2014 2:40pm
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Thank  you good work

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/16/2014 5:52pm
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yes thank you for the new script..

is a shame we can not find a way to fix the roulette while CP farming if no other time.. lol.. I say that cause my luck on the roulette still stinks to keep it nice.. lol

I guess if the force drop ever is able to be revived I had best try my luck with it an resolve some of my accounts lacking items an such.. lol

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 1:10am
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real_slow_one Posted on: 02/17/2014 12:52am

yes thank you for the new script..

is a shame we can not find a way to fix the roulette while CP farming if no other time.. lol.. I say that cause my luck on the roulette still stinks to keep it nice.. lol

I guess if the force drop ever is able to be revived I had best try my luck with it an resolve some of my accounts lacking items an such.. lol

same luck with me... hit refined iso-8 3 times in a row, 20 uiso 3 times, and sinister item last week.... what a lucky roulette I had...sad and only 1 CP for farming 12.2 for 60 energy last night... *sigh*
really hope I can force drop more CP's soon...

smileyI am who I am because I was who I wassmiley

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 8:47am
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haenawolf Posted on: 02/15/2014 11:12am

check 'AI Targeting and Anim Speed + Auto Player' please.

+ Automatic Player (PVE only), player team become AI, not to be used with 'Disable AI', otherwise both team will take no action and the battle never end. Best for farming with some bot/autoclicker. Beside this usage, not recommented as the AI is dumb.

Awesome work!! Btw about bot/autoclicker, if a bot without picture detection functionality, it won't work very well. If you are going to write a bot, I can share something with you. Qmacro is the only software with picture detection function built-in and autoclick can be done with window minimized too.

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 2:49pm
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super hack ......no need of trainer.

For Mission 12.2

credit goes to Brandon.

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 2:53pm
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Anyone got any other method to clear the gift queue faster? Or any other way to create a macro to rerun charles reload method to clear it, cause I can´t set much more than 1800 iterations, it gets charles too slowed down

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 4:06pm
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A1 to A0 architect.

I would recommend trying to train someone like this, then observing the sequence, and see waht passes or fails. You might need to abort or execute a request.

atdt *67
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 4:33pm
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haenawolf Posted on: 02/16/2014 6:38am

Please check if this script work for ce 6.3?

sweet hack .... thank you

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
00_mavengersn002.ct 15.35 KB 771
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 5:42pm
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astura Posted on: 02/17/2014 11:53am

Anyone got any other method to clear the gift queue faster? Or any other way to create a macro to rerun charles reload method to clear it, cause I can´t set much more than 1800 iterations, it gets charles too slowed down

Found a way, limiting the recording and using the same session to avoid the memory overflowing issue, but the queue is infinite lol, got 1.5 billion and it´s still going

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/17/2014 9:12pm
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code for isos bug gifts charles!!?

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/18/2014 12:36am
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astura Posted on: 02/17/2014 12:42pm
astura Posted on: 02/17/2014 11:53am

Anyone got any other method to clear the gift queue faster? Or any other way to create a macro to rerun charles reload method to clear it, cause I can´t set much more than 1800 iterations, it gets charles too slowed down

Found a way, limiting the recording and using the same session to avoid the memory overflowing issue, but the queue is infinite lol, got 1.5 billion and it´s still going

Also set Concurrency to 1. More than that is just waste of requests.

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/18/2014 1:10am
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Not true, I can get around 10 requests a time, speeding the process

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/18/2014 2:10am
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the bottom line is how many requests your internet speed an system is setup to allow you to send an receive as well as the PD server an the speed of their connection that decides which works best for each person presently trying to flush this queue.. I have a right low DSL speed here (.4/1.1Mbps) but have my system speeds tweaked best I can give it.. an I am running a charles setting of a single session of just refreshing the gamesession an iterations of 4000 an concurrency of 20 and I am able to avoid the lockups an memory issues an gain round 65,000 new energy per run.. lol.. an so far I have wasted off well over 1 billion extra energy an unsure how close or far I might be from clearing this issue up.. lol.. but as I originally said it all depends on each users setup as to the best setting to use.. you have to try an test it a bit here an there for your own setup.. example I tried going to a iteration of 5000 but that is when charles gives me a few issues at times.. so I stepped it down to 4000 to see if that stopped those, and it did, but gives me the fastest run of this before the Spec Op is over an I am again 20 or 30 ISO short.. lmao.. so again you have to work with it a bit an know how your system will or wont perform when needed.. lol

oh an for sake of your mouse button switches an or batteries if wireless mouse or the strain on the plastic connected to your laptop mouse tabs make sure you use the waste energy script on IE (sadly) an run a auto clicker to keep yourself around 9k or 10k energy.. makes things SO much easier an less wear on your hardware as well.. lol.. just a few common sense tips is all..

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 02/18/2014 3:48am
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