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Last Updated: 07/02/2018 22:10


Last Updated: 12/30/2013 19:00

Cloudstone - 50 pts. (new window)

Socially Awesome Pwning

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Player Puncher Pro

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Rift Warrior

  Clear floor #10 in the Arcane Rift

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CloudstoneMagic, mayhem, monsters and mysteries, and above all: Clouds (literally!). Join us in an action adventure that will take you where only your imaginat...
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/26/2013 2:20am
Quote Post
Dark Lord
Missed it, thanks.
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/26/2013 8:11pm
Quote Post
The Laziest Man on KongHack
firstly download this (enables LuaCall in the script) and stuff it in the autorun of where you installed CE -> C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine 6.2\autorun
after you put it there, change the extension from .ct over to .lua (it wouldnt upload lua files)

now download the actual ct file

and if you want to use the 306 code use this instead

note: for the 306 loot, you might have to search for the "replace pasta" and follow that codes instructions
also note: using the f1 key flags you as a hacker. everything else is undetectable
Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
aobresults.ct 1.15 KB 915
csagain.ct 3.65 KB 932

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/26/2013 10:27pm
Quote Post
To be honest, I can't believe my old 306 code still works. Still trying to do the admin/console hack the old way, without Charles (running on a Mac) but so far, no dice. I'll keep at it though.
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/27/2013 3:47pm
Quote Post
Do anyone know if how player position variables are stored in the game? Or enemy positions? These variables could do something usefull, like teleporting yourself in fortune room or stopping enemyes in pvp from moving.
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/27/2013 3:54pm
Quote Post
There's a function in the console that allows you to teleport yourself to any coordinates you pump in.
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/27/2013 9:08pm
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a3lex33 Posted on: 03/27/2013 09:47
Do anyone know if how player position variables are stored in the game? Or enemy positions? These variables could do something usefull, like teleporting yourself in fortune room or stopping enemyes in pvp from moving.
try reading through the thread, somewhere near the beginning or middle theres a whole post about what coords to use to teleport to different squares in the treasure room
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/28/2013 3:00am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
this is not thelink you are looking for *waves hand*

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 03/28/2013 7:52pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
I may be wrong here, but I do believe I put a seach box at the top of every page... Could be wrong though... /sarcasm

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/04/2013 11:36am
Quote Post
In the ct file, the following AOB for disable cheat detection no longer works...

aobscan(fuckvista3,d0 30 60 ?? 06 2f 1c 46 ?? ?? 01 12 47 00 00 60 ?? 0e 66 ?? 1d 66 ?? 06 66 ?? 17 60 ?? 66 ?? ?? 66 ?? ?? 46 ?? 18 01 25 8f 4e 0f 28 00 00 60 ?? ?? 60 ?? 0e 66 ?? 1d 66 ?? 06 60 ?? 0e 66 ?? 1d 66 ?? 06 66 ?? 17 60 ?? 66 ?? ?? 66 ?? ?? 46 ?? 18 01 4f ?? ?? 02 47)
db 47

Would anyone please kindly help? thanks so much!!
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/04/2013 1:53pm
Quote Post
You may try to change 2f 1c to 2f 1b. The float 0.01 reference has changed after update.

However, this hackFastKill or recordMonsterKilled code part call from no where in the flash, the aob has no real effect for now. The code function is to write a flag when you kill over 80 monsters within 3 second, if you didn't and will not do so, you don't need to worry it at the moment .

Oops, i mix with other code part.... this is checkcheater, flaged if you have over 9999 hp during rift.

But strange thing is, legit player can get over 9999hp during rift because, may be, rift buff. heavy shard farming.

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/06/2013 3:42am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
spythomas Posted on: 04/04/2013 05:36
In the ct file, the following AOB no longer works...

Would anyone please kindly help? thanks so much!!
i fixed that a while ago and re-uploaded the files. please redownload the CT and it should work. if you can find any other ones that do not work, please tell me
i also fixed the problem in the 306 version, along with not being able to check it because i accidentally left two [disable]'s at the end
fuckvista3 is also checkcheaters. i renamed it in case i have problems with it again so i know where to find it.

on a sidenote, does anybody feel like finding the reason for why using f1 flags you as a hacker. it either has something to do with the amount of times pressed in a timeframe, or the amount of exp gained in a timeframe. or possibly just killing something. no idea.

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/07/2013 11:40pm
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Gyan1010 Posted on: 08/19/2012 09:11
Little help to get to all the tiles without guessing in the fortune zone.
teleport coords to get you in each of the squares...

Code: [Select]

0,250 250,0

0,500 250,250 500,0

250,500 500,250


Every time I use the teleport command my shockwave flash crashes :I.

Is anyone getting the same problem or is it just me?
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/08/2013 2:16am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
fenris_6 Posted on: 04/07/2013 17:40
Every time I use the teleport command my shockwave flash crashes :I.
Is anyone getting the same problem or is it just me?

i remember i had the same problem way back when. i think it was because i entered it incorrectly. i think theres not supposed to be a comma, or something.

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/09/2013 12:34pm
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Isn't it against the flashcheats policy to publish hacks which are used to get premium content?
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 04/09/2013 8:52pm
Quote Post
What are you talking about? Premium = rubies; there's no hack up that would give you more rubies.