Voting on hacks!
Voting on hacks! Posted on: 02/07/2014 12:20am
Quote Post
disgruntled old man


Check it out, on each hack there is an icon alllll the way to the left of the hack title. That icon indicates which site that hack works for. Now, with that being said, sometimes the hack will work on other sites, sometimes it won't. If you're looking at hack that has a Newgrounds icon on it and you're playing the game on Kongregate and you can't seem to get it to work, DON'T VOTE IT AS NOT WORKING!

I'm going to include some visual aids for you. Pay attention....

Below is a hack for Kongregate. You see that red square with the K in it? Ya know, Kongregate's logo?

Guess what this hack is for? That's right, Newgrounds!

This one here is Miniclip...

And this one for MochiGames...

We also have Nitrome but I couldn't find a hack for it. This is what the icon looks like:

And Facebook...

Finally there's Armor Games:

Edit: When using the Kong Hack Ultra Trainer, you won't be able to see these icons. Maybe someday kadat will incorporate something, but he's a pretty busy guy. That being said, be sure to check for any notes that may indicate that a hack is site dependant. Something like ***NEWGROUNDS ONLY*** or "ninjakiwi site only" mean that the hack only works on those sites. CHECK BEFORE YOU APPLY THE HACKS! The trainer will automatically vote when you apply your hacks, and if they fail to apply, they are downvoted. While this feature can be turned off, it is on by default, and if you're not smart enough to read the notes on the hacks and you habitually downvote working hacks, I won't feel bad for what happens...

Alright, now that everyone knows all about the hacks we shouldn't have any more issues right? Awesome, thanks guys! Once or twice will probably just end up with you getting a warning. Repeat offenders will likely be banned.

Oh, one more thing...This obviously doesn't apply to everybody. Most of you get it and I thank you for that, I really do...
If you happen to find someone abusing the voting system or submitting hacks that aren't hacks, hop in chat and let us know. Be sure to include the link to the game.

New to Kong Hack and want to learn the basics? Check out the [Kong Hack 101] and the [Hacking 101].
Wanna learn how we make the hacks? Start with getting [the tools], then check these out: [AoB tutorial] | [.sol guide] | [Unity3d tutorial] | kadat's [video tutorials]
And if you don't already have it, check out the [Kong Hack Ultra Trainer]. You'll be glad you did!
TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

w00p!  Hopefully people will pay attention this time around...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

Now I want some tacos for dinner.

But gates, the Newgrounds logo is actually Kongregate's logo, it is that obvious! I mean goddamn, Newground's logo might be red with white K, but Kongregate's logo is some guy on a tank with "Newgrounds" on the bottom but come on man, that ain't fair! I just voted it down because...You know...The logo and shit...Somethin'...

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
Troubadour´s dog

I just hope that in the future, ppl will be smart enough, so everyone can put their images in a spoiler tag, without the fear of "i didnt know they were in a spoiler tag, so i didnt uderstood" excuse being used.

aside from that lets hope this works

A fiesta platter here, soooooorry

Learn how to use cheatengine before voting a non working hack

This is a problem? Cripes.

glorytothehypnotoad Posted on: 02/08/2014 1:44pm

This is a problem? Cripes.

You'd be surprised how freakishly retarded some people can be...

The Laziest Man on KongHack
Grammar Führer

I bet that half of the noobs banned for downvoting hacks are because they're fucking too stupid to check that a hack is for a certain site instead for the one that they're trying to hack.

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

This actually makes sense...

Best part of the entire post is "rocket surgery" :B

Hey, I wonder, does this problem still persists even after making this thread?

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
FinalStrife7 Posted on: 02/11/2014 4:59pm

Best part of the entire post is "rocket surgery" :B

Reminds me of phrases I call "Momisims" I hope for obvious reasons. Here is a choice sample list.

I've heard some parrots have extreme longlivity.

It's cold out. Please take care of your immunity system and take more vitamin C.

That dog is such a thorn around my neck.

NormaTheNorman Posted on: 02/13/2014 7:27pm
FinalStrife7 Posted on: 02/11/2014 4:59pm

Best part of the entire post is "rocket surgery" :B

Reminds me of phrases I call "Momisims" I hope for obvious reasons...

I was curious and searched, then I got this link.

Personal note; I hate my mother and every time it was cold, I was going outside naked. What happened afterwards? Doctors told me my immunity system got stronger.
Besides, the ladies (Because bitches don't care) say I'm manly for goin' naked outside during a death-cold, hoho!
Stalin 1+Infinity, Mommy -1. For the Moustachio!

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.