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Last Updated: 07/02/2018 22:10


Last Updated: 12/30/2013 19:00

Cloudstone - 50 pts. (new window)

Socially Awesome Pwning

  Reach level 5 and summon a friend to help you fight

Player Puncher Pro

  Defeat 10 other players in pvp matches

Rift Warrior

  Clear floor #10 in the Arcane Rift

Game Dscription
CloudstoneMagic, mayhem, monsters and mysteries, and above all: Clouds (literally!). Join us in an action adventure that will take you where only your imaginat...
RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/07/2013 5:22am
Quote Post

I went from level 1 to level 50 in less than a hour, just to see how fast I would get banned. (less than a day)

However I have gone from 1 to 35 on a different account less than a week ago and it is still working fine.

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/07/2013 5:26am
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thenewcomer Posted on: 06/06/2013 11:46pm

also, i dont think it works like that. you cant just change your name and suddenly be untraceable. unfortunately. otherwise id make my alt's "hacks" get pushed onto my main thats already banned.

Yeah, that's what I said. I can "trick" my account into playing using another accounts packets, but it really doesn't do anything once I refresh.

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/07/2013 11:36am
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hellfirespet Posted on: 06/07/2013 1:26am
thenewcomer Posted on: 06/06/2013 11:46pm

also, i dont think it works like that. you cant just change your name and suddenly be untraceable. unfortunately. otherwise id make my alt's "hacks" get pushed onto my main thats already banned.

Yeah, that's what I said. I can "trick" my account into playing using another accounts packets, but it really doesn't do anything once I refresh.

ic. Second thought, what I asked for is actually manipulating the userdata freely, which is too powerful as a hack and too lame thier security, which is unrealistic.

btw, just checked my banned account's "lifetimeGold", it is over hundred million, which can be viewed as a hack trace too. The gold should be come from auto-producer. ... so many traps.

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/10/2013 12:34pm
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 i got a hack tool that is not tracable and cant be ban easly except someone report you like the 100k shards in 1 mission. and lvl by pass 1 to lvl 50 no need to f1 and unlimted spawn hack.  ill make a low level account  that has 5k stats all and post it here. so dev? reading this site Fuck your CRAPY SHIT GAME AND HACKERS RULE!. note the top 1 in RIFT seriously 100 above and crapy low stats and showing in furom that they are not hacking FUCK YOU. its obviously hacking. next time ill post ill give the free noob acount worth 5k stats all.


RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/10/2013 10:05pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
truehacker Posted on: 06/10/2013 8:34am

 i got a hack tool that is not tracable and cant be ban easly except someone report you like the 100k shards in 1 mission. and lvl by pass 1 to lvl 50 no need to f1 and unlimted spawn hack.  ill make a low level account  that has 5k stats all and post it here. so dev? reading this site Fuck your CRAPY SHIT GAME AND HACKERS RULE!. note the top 1 in RIFT seriously 100 above and crapy low stats and showing in furom that they are not hacking FUCK YOU. its obviously hacking. next time ill post ill give the free noob acount worth 5k stats all.


Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/12/2013 2:42am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack

glad hegot banned.

anyone know if you can forge someones username/uid on kong?
let me give you a little backstory. this games community hates me. one way or another they completely pwned my game account. theres three possibilities. it was a game dev (i doubt) someone obtained my kongregate info (i dont see how) or they were able to pretend they were me by editing packets or changing some html around.
the question is was it a kongregate security hole, or a cloudstone one?

i think it might be the game myself. they cant get my password from this site because tim is a fucking boss at security. they didnt reset my kong password. i know for a fact i dont have any keyloggers. i dont see any way it can be kong.

the game on the otherhand. i found a glitch where i could log in as "Guest" and play on any kongregate account as the character named Guest and have the changed save. implying theres only a few things it checks before giving you access to an account. i mean, hacking a game is fun, but this could ruin it. thats not so bueno. if anyone wants to try and give the results, im sure the devs would love you forever. id also be grateful.

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/12/2013 2:55am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Yes, it's entirely possible to spoof someone's account.  As one of the crew that worked on the Konduit API, I have the entire inside schematics of their authentication system in my skull.

That, I'm afraid, probably shouldn't be discussed in a "public" forum though. Spoofing was done back in the day on Caesary when I got called in on the subject.  Properly implemented anti-hacking measures lead to games like Swords & Potions.  Even KBH couldn't award you the badges for that game, since the achievement packets actually have to originate on their server and only travel server-2-server.

If you are still interested, start up a thread in PHG and I'll devulge all of the knowledge I have about the inner workings of Kongregate's security systems. :)

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/12/2013 3:03am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack

hmm. youre right, that knowledge isnt exactly the best to be public. was just wondering if it was easier for this one game and possible through packets.

ill start a thread in PGH just so theres something new >_>
and that wasnt a pun on my name.

anyways back on topic, they seem to be implementing many more server sided checks. this could be a problem for pretty much every hack here. hopefully they leave us /something/ to speed up the grinding.
on a sidenote, does anybody have a list of item ID's? i wanna test something

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/12/2013 4:30am
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item ids can be found in the staticjson, as an entries of 1st level key "items". It may be convient to breakdown it as a file in itself for easier lookup.

(can't double post, even after 24hrs, so... )
ooops... the number of active PVP players in this season drop significantly, roughly (season24) 6legs x 475 = 2700 --> (season 25) 5legs x 172 = 860, 2/3 players gone. If they all gone by banning/fear of banning and the drops is proportional to all active players in game, then I would say... KongHack has a larger fan base (in this game) than thier legit players :D

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/13/2013 1:36pm
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haenawolf Posted on: 06/12/2013 12:30am

item ids can be found in the staticjson, as an entries of 1st level key "items". It may be convient to breakdown it as a file in itself for easier lookup.

(can't double post, even after 24hrs, so... )
ooops... the number of active PVP players in this season drop significantly, roughly (season24) 6legs x 475 = 2700 --> (season 25) 5legs x 172 = 860, 2/3 players gone. If they all gone by banning/fear of banning and the drops is proportional to all active players in game, then I would say... KongHack has a larger fan base (in this game) than thier legit players :D

You do realize that players are added to each league as the PvP season progresses? You're comparing the end of a old season to the beginning of a new one...hence the number difference.

KongHack has under 8000 members, I doubt that so many of them would all play Cloudstone. |P

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/13/2013 8:30pm
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Toshiba54 Posted on: 06/13/2013 9:36pm
You do realize that players are added to each league as the PvP season progresses? You're comparing the end of a old season to the beginning of a new one...hence the number difference.

KongHack has under 8000 members, I doubt that so many of them would all play Cloudstone. |P

yes, may be u are right. It is ~5x191 at 4th day now.  The number of 475 is from my memory at 7-10th day of season 24.

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/26/2013 3:59pm
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thanks for the "hacks" guys!
Helped a lot in gameplay shiurororororororo =)

Don't over do it.
Just do it.

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 06/29/2013 4:03pm
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Troubadour´s dog

So, i was thinking if is posible to use charles to send packets of the event of selling an item and get the money?, i have been trying but maybe im repeating the wrong process, or maybe doing nothing at all since im new to this things (but i received black magic so maybe im going by a good way)
I would really appreciate some hints if its is possible to do that.
Thx for your time (>n.n)>

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 07/07/2013 6:12am
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How do I even open up the admin console? I only know how to use cheat engine to scan and change array of bytes
as well as the function that comes out of pressing ctrl+alt+A, maybe called auto assembly or something.

But anyway, how to open up cloudstone's admin console?

And how much of the hack there is working anyway? I can't can anything to work and the short forms you guys use in the forums are too hard to understands, like admin console...what is it? how to use it?

RE: Cloudstone Posted on: 07/07/2013 5:01pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
BlackHacker Posted on: 07/07/2013 2:12am

How do I even open up the admin console? I only know how to use cheat engine to scan and change array of bytes
as well as the function that comes out of pressing ctrl+alt+A, maybe called auto assembly or something.

But anyway, how to open up cloudstone's admin console?

And how much of the hack there is working anyway? I can't can anything to work and the short forms you guys use in the forums are too hard to understands, like admin console...what is it? how to use it?

all thats saying is watch the youtube video, and use that string rather than whats in the video. i believe the video is gone, and the srting changed, but if you feel like finding it in pugmain, you can still enable admin. you open it up with the tilde key which looks like this ` or ~
i would advise against using the admin console because im sure there are both client and server checks for if you are using it now.

i would recommend either EHoK's autoassembly (it seems up to date) or my autoassembly (which is slightly old) and besides that just freeze values like health or mana to what your maximum is. there are checks for if your hp is higher than it should be. especially in rift.

if you would like instructions on how to enable the admin console, download Charles Web Debugging Process and then message myself or KolonelKadat

Ragnotok Posted on: 06/29/2013 12:03pm

So, i was thinking if is posible to use charles to send packets of the event of selling an item and get the money?, i have been trying but maybe im repeating the wrong process, or maybe doing nothing at all since im new to this things (but i received black magic so maybe im going by a good way)
I would really appreciate some hints if its is possible to do that.
Thx for your time (>n.n)>

firstly, that probably wont work. i assume when you try and sell something, it checks for if you have the item on the database and gets rid of it, then gives you the proper amount of gold. if you want to make money by selling items and packet editing, you would have to packet edit the recieving of items (instead of getting a jellyjuice, you would get a golden bloop or something) which is possible, but you would have to fiddle around in Charles for a while to figure out how to do so.

PS: most of these hacks are outdated and no new ones are coming out. the main reason for this is because the game developers found this site and are actively trying to make the game as best as they possibly can and that includes making it hackproof. if a hack no longer works, do not be surprised. if it DOES work, then use at your own risk, because you will more tha likely be banned