XML files and codes
xml files for Marvel Avengers Alliance
RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/05/2015 4:15pm
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A1 to A0 architect.

For tasks with a <qty>3</qty> beside them, one might be able to lower the requirements to 0 for a instant completion. Or a crash.

atdt *67
RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/06/2015 11:32am
Quote Post

Nope. Didn't work. I'm looking into xp. I'll share if I make a discovery

Just let me sleep.

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/06/2015 11:30pm
Quote Post

Does anyone know What does this mean?

public static function LH_trace(param1:String) : void
public static function LH_running() : Boolean
return _heroes != null;
public static function LH_setHealth(heroes:Boolean, heal:Boolean) : void
var c:Character = null;
var team:Team = heroes?_heroes:_villains;
for each(c in team.allMembers)
if(c.hpCurrent > 0)
c.hpCurrent = heal?c.hpMax:1;
c.apCurrent = heal?c.apMax:0;
public static function LH_setLootItems(selectedItems:Object) : void
var id:String = null;
LH_selectedItems = [];
for(id in selectedItems)
LH_selectedItems.sort(function(a:String, b:String):Number
return Number(selectedItems[a]) - Number(selectedItems[b]);
public static function LH_getDroppedItems() : Object
if(LH_instance && LH_instance.LH_droppedItems)
return LH_instance.LH_droppedItems;
return {};
public static function LH_getDroppedItemCount() : int
var item:String = null;
var result:int = 0;
if(LH_instance && LH_instance.LH_droppedItems)
for(item in LH_instance.LH_droppedItems)
return result;
public static function LH_getLootableItemList() : Array
var item:* = undefined;
var c:Character = null;
var result:Array = [];
for each(item in LH_instance._lootTable)
if(item.itemID && item.weight)
for each(c in _villains.allMembers)
if(c && c.hpCurrent > 0 && c is Villain && (c as Villain).lootTable)
for each(item in (c as Villain).lootTable)
if(item.itemID && item.weight)
return result;
public static function LH_getLootableItemCount() : int
return LH_getLootableItemList().length;
public static function LH_getLootableItems() : Object
var item:* = undefined;
var result:Object = {};
for each(item in LH_getLootableItemList())
result[item.itemID] = true;
return result;

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/07/2015 12:12am
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A1 to A0 architect.

that's old LeetHax stuff that doesn't work anymore

let's stay on the topic of xml files

atdt *67
RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/07/2015 5:28am
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Insert Custom Title Here

Updated MAA XML Grabber to 1.3:
+Ability to download a file manually (type in file name)
-1030.xml in Dropdown / All


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
maaxmlgrabber.zip 204.45 KB 693

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/07/2015 1:27pm
Quote Post
take it easy
Simple_AOB Posted on: 11/07/2015 12:28am

Updated MAA XML Grabber to 1.3:
+Ability to download a file manually (type in file name)
-1030.xml in Dropdown / All


Thx again 4 share u hard work with us

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
maaxmlgrabber.zip 204.45 KB 693

I revel in my anonymity. But when I'm at a specific event and gamers are there, they'll recognise me.

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/08/2015 4:55pm
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A1 to A0 architect.

This is neat: 


Replace command_list.xml this file:


It removes fight animations (and sounds I think) to make the battles faster. It works with aoe and auto player cheats and all that stuff. You can watch the characters take their turns at the top to see how quickly the battles is progressing.

Untested in PVP, but I asume the same thing
Edit: it doesn't reaaally make the battles faster, it still takes the time to play them. Still working on this one.


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
command_list.zip 152.04 KB 580

atdt *67
RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/19/2015 2:45am
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Your (mostly) friendly neighborhood MAA-Mod

update: 20151118111117

    elsa bloodstone
    new class based simulator missions

please stay on topic folks.

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/19/2015 5:38am
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Insert Custom Title Here

Are there any other features you guys might want for the MAA XML Grabber. Or a completely separate tool that preforms a different task?

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/19/2015 2:27pm
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take it easy
Simple_AOB Posted on: 11/19/2015 12:38am

Are there any other features you guys might want for the MAA XML Grabber. Or a completely separate tool that preforms a different task?

maybe add swf download too ;)

I revel in my anonymity. But when I'm at a specific event and gamers are there, they'll recognise me.

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/19/2015 4:15pm
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RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/19/2015 4:45pm
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Insert Custom Title Here
Ahssherder Posted on: 11/19/2015 9:27am
Simple_AOB Posted on: 11/19/2015 12:38am

Are there any other features you guys might want for the MAA XML Grabber. Or a completely separate tool that preforms a different task?

maybe add swf download too ;)

curl -O "http://maa4-a.akamaihd.net/marvelshield/production_n7/ac/20151118111117/client/swf/en_US/client.swf"
curl -O "http://maa4-a.akamaihd.net/marvelshield/production_n7/ac/20151118111117/client/swf/en_US/client2.swf"
using the above links as examples below:


+Support for SWF files. Choose 'Manual Download' and type in 'client.swf' and the program will automatically choose to download from the SWF url. If no file extension is supplied (.xml or .swf), .xml will automatically be used.


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
maaxmlgrabber.zip 204.59 KB 590

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/20/2015 2:43am
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Insert Custom Title Here

While coding a special something new, I may have stumbled upon something...
It seems that you can use any code to output the file, for example:
Code: 123123123123
Url: http://maa4-a.akamaihd.net/marvelshield/production_n7/ac/123123123123/client/xml/en_US/101.xml

Using a Difference Checker against the url 'view-source:http://maa4-a.akamaihd.net/marvelshield/production_n7/ac/20151118111117/client/xml/en_US/101.xml' yields the exact same file for both. I found this because I was using headers to automatically check for if a code was correct, but it kept returning HTTP 200 (file OK). I thought it was because of NGINX returning their 404 page (even though that's HTTP 404) that was somehow messing it up but then I tried it manually and landed upon the same file no matter what I entered.

Please test since I am not all too knowledgable on this game, only coding.

RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/22/2015 4:09pm
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A1 to A0 architect.

Her's some previous "version numbers"


So we can see:

2015 10   23 121442
2015  October Twenty-third wha?

In looking through the xml files, we can deduce dates of upcoming releases. Like PVP being over, or a character being added to the roster.
Dates are all in Unix Epoch format. I'll leave thisd here http://epochconverter.com/

Now, when I download these two files:

I can see they are different. Here's a snippet from FC:

***** ab.xml
***** AB.XML.1

So I can download older ones, but not later ones. Incidentally, PVP is over in ~24 hours, so someone with boredbom and time could curl "http://maa4-a.akamaihd.net/marvelshield/production_n7/ac/20151123[0-99999]/client/xml/en_US/ab.xml" and see what the biggest file is after that, or w/e happens. Of course, all the files will get clobbered, but syntax isn't my forte.

Good luck!

Edit: I could add, client.xml is a way better file to mess with, but it's 70 megs or whatever these days. ab.xml doesn't change that much.

atdt *67
RE: XML files and codes Posted on: 11/22/2015 5:05pm
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Your (mostly) friendly neighborhood MAA-Mod
jarly Posted on: 11/22/2015 11:09am

Her's some previous "version numbers"


So we can see:

2015 10   23 12 14 42
2015  October Twenty-third Hours Minutes Seconds

In looking through the xml files, we can deduce dates of upcoming releases. Like PVP being over, or a character being added to the roster.
Dates are all in Unix Epoch format. I'll leave thisd here http://epochconverter.com/

Now, when I download these two files:

I can see they are different. Here's a snippet from FC:

***** ab.xml
***** AB.XML.1

So I can download older ones, but not later ones. Incidentally, PVP is over in ~24 hours, so someone with boredbom and time could curl "http://maa4-a.akamaihd.net/marvelshield/production_n7/ac/20151123[0-99999]/client/xml/en_US/ab.xml" and see what the biggest file is after that, or w/e happens. Of course, all the files will get clobbered, but syntax isn't my forte.

Good luck!

Edit: I could add, client.xml is a way better file to mess with, but it's 70 megs or whatever these days. ab.xml doesn't change that much.